Rising crime rates, dirty streets, impossible traffic jams, bed bugs galore, and clearly a return to David Dinkins time.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg fully supports building a Mosque with questionable financial ties near Ground Zero. He even claims investigating those ties would be “un-American.”
Americans who still feel the sting of the 9/11 attacks stand opposed to building what could become a shrine to radical Islamists all over the world. In opposition are liberal elitists who falsely claim the mantle of "tolerance" and "openness" to justify building a Mosque at the center of where the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history took place in the name of Islamic Jihad.BRING BACK RUDY
I would support opening a respectable whore house over opening a mosque. At least the whore house wouldn't be recruiting people to bomb Americans.
Yup and if they do will the gay bar next to it do well?
ReplyDeleteI agree with you and can't trust any of them!
They are all a day late and a dollar short with me!